At 06:18 PM 6/16/2011 +0300, Reko Turja wrote:
>From: "Michael Powell" <>
>> pulls in a few more dependencies than I'd really like, especially 
>> the apr1
>> (now named apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db42- port 
>> installing
>The name depends completely on the knobs you have used with 
>portbuild - my apr is: 
>> At any rate take a gander at /usr/ports/Mk/ for more 
>> info. But
>> if it were me instead of fighting I'd just go with the apache22 
>> default
>Yeah - the configuration differences are pretty minimal and even the 
>2.0 port makefile states now: DEPRECATED=     will be unsupported by 
>ASF when 2.4.0 is release, migrate to 2.2.x+ now

Thanks to both you and Mike for the advice. I've already installed apache22
on a test server and trying to allocate time to it as and when. Looks like
this apr thing is going to raise the priority.

Also, I see the sqlite3 is tacked on the apr you have. I only have:

What are all of those "conf" files in the apache22/extra directory? Any
includes needed there besides perhaps the ssl if used?

Thanks guys!


Happy trails,
Jack L. Stone

System Admin
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