On 30/05/2011 09:49, Leslie Jensen wrote:
> My system still is shows #0
> 8.2-RELEASE #0
> Following the latest FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-11:02.bind
> I did
> # freebsd-update fetch
> # freebsd-update install
> And a reboot, but my system doesn't indicate the update!
> Any suggestions ?

You have applied the update successfully.  You won't see any difference
in the output from uname(1) because this update when applied via
freebsd-update(8) doesn't touch the kernel.  It only affects named(8).
This is the patched version in 8.2-STABLE:

% /usr/sbin/named -v
BIND 9.6.-ESV-R4-P1

Since this update doesn't touch the kernel, it isn't necessary to reboot
to apply it: simply restart named(8) if you're running it.  If you're
not running named then the vulnerability addressed by the patch doesn't
exist on your server. You should however be concerned about the version
of named running on any recursive resolvers listed in /etc/resolv.conf.
 Even if you aren't running named(8) it's worth applying the update just
in case you do later decide to run it.

If you had applied the security patches to the source code and
recompiled, or had updated to the latest X.Y-STABLE sources, you would
have an updated newvers.sh and consequently an updated output from
uname(1) -- but this is just bookkeeping and makes no functional
difference to the system.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey     Ramsgate
JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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