Hi Daniel,
it seems that there is a problem with UEFI/atkbd, since 7.2 and 8.0 work without any boot problem (BTW that's not a solution because there is no NIC support) and 8.1 and 8.2 hang.

I met the same problem with my x220 which is not resolved but you can follow this workaround:

1 - Plug an external USB keyboard
2 - boot with a memstick with 8.2
3 - In the loader:
    set hint.atkbd.0.disabled=1
4 - Follow install via network or other
5 - Setup BIOS: Config > USB UEFI BIOS > disabled
6 - reboot

You could try with a CD, directly without UEFI, it may work as is (I didn't burn it for the exercise).

That's what worked for me.


-- Cybil Courraud
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