On 03/04/2011 02:43, Polytropon wrote:

> I can only speak for myself regarding this suggestion, and
> I may also admit that I'm not fully happy with it. I would
> like to run my own mail server, but corrently I'm using
> the one for POP of the provider of my domain. I avoid
> SMTP as sending mail from my system (that runs a MTA)
> is considered NORMAL by me. Sadly, most others who suffer
> from spam do not think so, they reject messages coming from
> behind a dynamic IP, so I use my ISP's relay as smarthost
> for sending messages. This way, I can still use ANY mail
> client program I want - I get the messages using fetchmail
> and can then process them with any program, even "in
> parallel". For sending, I can even | mail -s bla b...@foo.bar
> from the command line. It may not be optimal for all
> imaginable scenarios (e. g. reading mail from a different
> system, sending from a different location), but as I do
> not require them, it's no big deal.

Personally, I agree entirely with the idea of running your own mail
server -- so long as you have a sufficient level of competence, and I
think most of the people in this thread would be entirely capable.

Unfortunately that's not true of the majority of most ISP's clientele,
and bitter experience has led them to clamp down on SMTP-from-home in
various ways.  Some ISPs are friendly to more technically adept users --
mine is a case in point -- but these are few and far between.

Even so, you can still run your own servers.  You can get a minimally
spec'd machine (virtual or physical) at quite a reasonable price
nowadays.  Polytropon -- given your location, have you checked out
hetzner.de?  They've got some good deals, and they support using FreeBSD



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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