On Mar 23, 2011, at 3:16 PM, Polytropon wrote:

> On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 15:06:14 -0500, Ryan Coleman <edi...@d3photography.com> 
> wrote:
>> I am also trying to make the directories right before the attempt
>> to mount the image (a 'duh' moment just now). 
>> So I'd like to have just the filename, not the full path, made
>> as a folder... 
> A directory. :-)
Thank you. :-) slip of the fingers...

>> In other news: The ISOs are all made by me, so no special chars,
>> just capital and lowercase letters, sometimes numbers, no spaces
>> and use of underscores and hyphens.
> Underscores and hypens are traditionally not a problem. Spaces
> can be and need extra attention. But as you're using PROPER
> filenames, it should be easy to get the target directory name
> from the ISO filename.
> The unelegant way is to use basename:
>       DIRNAME=`basename ${FILE} .iso`
> Of course, there's a sh builtin for the same purpose:
>       DIRNAME=${FILE%.iso}
> Adding this to the iteration list, you can easily create
> the directories needed prior to the mount attempt.

I'll give this a whirl in a bit.

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