On Mar 9, 2011, at 4:50 PM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

> There are some/a few/several people working at Apple that play or used to 
> play a large role in FreeBSD.  So they were basically paying these people's 
> salaries for their day job which allowed them to be active in FreeBSD.  Also, 
> there is some code put-back I believe.

Of particular note was the contributions of patches to fix NFS race conditions. 
Plus tools to stress and duplicate those conditions.

> Most of what Apple used from FreeBSD was the userland and the kernel 
> interface so that the Darwin kernel could be used with FreeBSD userland 
> utilities that affect the kernel etc.    Mac OS X uses a totally different 
> underlying kernel and architecture but made a FreeBSD like kernel interface 
> in order to be able to use certain sets of FreeBSD stuff.

Believe a number of FreeBSD drivers made it into MacOS X. Don't know of any 
Apple product which used Intel Etherexpress Pro chipsets but I popped a PCI 
card in a Mac one day and it magically worked as if it had always been there.

David Kelly N4HHE, dke...@hiwaay.net
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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