On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 11:53:14PM +0900, Kouichiro Iwao wrote:
> I'm writing a script based on the code in freebsd docs,
> and caring about the license of it. The original scripts are 
> example 6 and 7 of the following page. How do I have to treat 
> my code if I distribute it?
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/ldap-auth/client.html
> I know freebsd docs is licensed under The FreeBSD Documantation 
> License but don't know about codes in them.
> -- 
> kiwao <m...@club.kyutech.ac.jp>

Since those scripts have been contributed to the FreeBSD project, I
would treat them as if they had the standard FreeBSD license.

If you do that, then you should be playing safe i.e they're almost
certainly not under a more restrictive license.




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