On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Thorsten Glaser <t...@mirbsd.org> wrote:
> Rob Farmer <rfarmer <at> predatorlabs.net> writes:
>> Have you used the default FreeBSD shell (tcsh) recently?
> tcsh is not a shell. Well, it’s an interactive command line
> interpreter, not a bad one compared to what else is offered
> at that, but…

(New) people will still copy and paste commands into an interactive
tcsh, so it is a good idea to be compatible when posting stuff to the
mailing lists, etc. if possible. There was something on the ports@
list a while back, about PRs for new ports, where this came up.

> http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot/

I've read it before. Who hasn't? And I find it unconvincing, since it
is just a list of shortcomings. If those shortcomings don't affect me,
why do I care?

Rob Farmer
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