On Feb 17, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:
>> Most computer cases are designed with front-to-back airflow (ie, intake fans 
>> in the front, exhaust fans and the PSU in the back) and cool more 
>> effectively with the case on....
> Well, in my case, with the "BEFORE" situation, if I had the side case cover 
> on, the temps would be even higher ! 

Are they?  Well, that suggests something could be wrong with your case 
ventilation-- perhaps a stuck (or even reversed) fan.

I know, it's not as interesting as the possibility that different versions of 
FreeBSD present different CPU load, but if you aren't controlling for major 
factors like the case being opened or closed, or using different coolers, then 
there's little point in worrying about whether your load-testing of the 
software is accurate.


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