El día Tuesday, January 25, 2011 a las 02:27:58PM +0100, Matthias Apitz 

> Hello,
> I run FreeBSD 8.x in a VMWare hosted on Win7. The VM presents the Intel
> HDA sound card of the laptop as AudioPCI ES1371-A and I have to use the driver
> snd_es137x(4) which works fine with only the problem that I can not
> manage to record from the headset micro.
> The headset micro works fine in Win7 and it switches between the laptop
> build-in micro and the headset micro on plug-in; as well while running
> FreeBSD before as host system on this laptop I could record from both micro 
> (using the
> snd_hda(4) driver.
> The output of /dev/sndstat is:
> $ cat /dev/sndstat
> FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm: 32bit 2007061600/i386)
> Installed devices:
> pcm0: <AudioPCI ES1371-A> at io 0x2040 irq 16 kld snd_es137x [MPSAFE] 
> (2p:4v/1r:4v channels duplex default)
> i.e. there is only pcm0 and no pcm1 (should it?)

I did some more tests and have now a clear picture:

in Win7 you can control (System-control-->Sound-->Input) the input
devices (build-in micro ./. headset micro), you can test them there and
you can define which one is the default; if you set 'headset micro' as
default and pull it out, the default switches to build-in micro and back
again if you plug it in again;

if you start the VM while a) headset micro is pluged-in and b) set as
default, the recording in Skype works from headset micro; YES, it works!

if you pull out the headset micro, the recording (also in the VM with
Skype) falls back to build-in micro; but you can't switch back by
pluging it in again, is stays with build-in micro; even a FreeBSD guest
system reboot does not change it back; only a restart of VMWare bring
the headset micro again as default;

It looks like a bug in VMWare or Win7, I think, and nothing we could
address here in FreeBSD world, or?

Just for the record, se also http://communities.vmware.com/thread/300335



Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <g...@unixarea.de> - w http://www.unixarea.de/
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