On Tue 25 Jan 2011 at 22:49:40 PST Gary Kline wrote:

Before the 11th of January I was streaming both audio and video
streams with little to zero wait time.  In other words, I could
stream about 50 minutes of audio with only a second or two of pause
time delay [[AKA congestion]].  After that date there was a steep
decline in streaming performance and I went at upgrading my server
with a vengeance to see if that fixed things.  Upgrading my 700
ports only led to other things breaking.  I am wondering if anyone
else in North America has a DSL connection and has seen the kind of
degradation in performance after doing (something) to their FreeBSD

I have around 1Mb down and 864Kb up ... according to the telco.  Any
ideas will be much appreciated.

This kind of random fishing expedition is unlikely to succeed.  You need
to take a more methodical approach to the problem.

Luckily, Kris Kennaway did a presentation a while ago that teaches you
the *right* way to fish:


Learn what diagnostic tools are available, where they're appropriate,
and how to use them.

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