On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 22:12 +0000, RW wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 10:01:47 -0800
> Devin Teske <dte...@vicor.com> wrote:
> > 
> > On Jan 4, 2011, at 9:33 AM, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > 
> > >>>>>> "Patrick" == Patrick Bihan-Faou
> > >>>>>> <patrick.bihan-f...@teambox.fr> writes:
> > > 
> > > Patrick> cat asdf.txt | grep -v XYZ | grep -v bla
> > > 
> > > And yet, you still have the "Useless Use of Cat".
> > 
> > I know I'm joining the party late, but... what about:
> > 
> > grep -Ev '(XYZ|bla)' asdf.txt
> > 
> > or
> > 
> > awk '!/XYZ/ && !/bla/ {print}' asdf.txt
> > 
> > ok... end useless contribution.
> It's odd that people seem to be taking bla-bla so literally, when it's
> clearly a place holder for arbitary text. 

Maybe because the OP should have said:

"How do I get the text between [XYZ] and [/XYZ]"

A demarcing field-search is different than a pruning line-search.

This is what the OP was looking for:

awk -v tag=XYZ '
BEGIN { buf = "" }
$0 ~ "\\["tag"\\]", $0 ~ "\\[/"tag"\\]" \
        if ( match($0, "\\[/"tag"\\]") ) \
                buf = buf substr($0, 0, RSTART - 1)
                sub(".*\\["tag"\\]", "", buf)
                sub(/^\n*/, "", buf)
                sub(/\n*$/, "", buf)
                print buf
                buf = ""
        } else
                buf = buf $0"\n"
END { if ( length(buf) ) print buf }' asdf.txt

or, if you would prefer to have it all on one line:

awk -v tag=XYZ 'BEGIN { buf = "" } $0 ~ "\\["tag"\\]", $0 ~ "\\[/"tag"\
\]" { if ( match($0, "\\[/"tag"\\]") ) { buf = buf substr($0, 0, RSTART
- 1); sub(".*\\["tag"\\]", "", buf); sub(/^\n*/, "", buf); sub(/\n*$/,
"", buf); print buf; buf = ""; next } else buf = buf $0"\n" } END { if
( length(buf) ) print buf }' asdf.txt

or, if you would like it as an alias:

for bash...

alias between_xyz='awk -v tag=XYZ '\''BEGIN { buf = "" } $0 ~ "\\["tag"\
\]", $0 ~ "\\[/"tag"\\]" { if ( match($0, "\\[/"tag"\\]") ) { buf = buf
substr($0, 0, RSTART - 1); sub(".*\\["tag"\\]", "", buf); sub(/^\n*/,
"", buf); sub(/\n*$/, "", buf); print buf; buf = ""; next } else buf =
buf $0"\n" } END { if ( length(buf) ) print buf }'\'

for csh:

alias between_xyz 'awk -v tag=XYZ '\''BEGIN { buf = "" } $0 ~ "\\["tag"\
\]", $0 ~ "\\[/"tag"\\]" { if ( match($0, "\\[/"tag"\\]") ) { buf = buf
substr($0, 0, RSTART - 1); sub(".*\\["tag"\\]", "", buf); sub(/^\n*/,
"", buf); sub(/\n*$/, "", buf); print buf; buf = ""; next } else buf =
buf $0"\n" } END { if ( length(buf) ) print buf }'\'


between_xyz asdf.txt

Of course, this can even be improved upon further...

As a shell function:

# between $what $file [$file ...]
# Split out lines between [$what] and [/$what] using awk(1).
        awk -v tag="$1" '
                BEGIN { buf = "" }
                $0 ~ "\\["tag"\\]", $0 ~ "\\[/"tag"\\]" \
                        if ( match($0, "\\[/"tag"\\]") ) \
                                buf = buf substr($0, 0, RSTART - 1)
                                sub(".*\\["tag"\\]", "", buf)
                                sub(/^\n*/, "", buf)
                                sub(/\n*$/, "", buf)
                                print buf
                                buf = ""
                        } else
                                buf = buf $0"\n"
                END { if ( length(buf) ) print buf }
        ' "$@"

Or, for those csh users, how about a fancy alias?:

alias between 'awk -v tag="\!^" '\''BEGIN { buf = "" } $0 ~ "\\["tag"\
\]", $0 ~ "\\[/"tag"\\]" { if ( match($0, "\\[/"tag"\\]") ) { buf = buf
substr($0, 0, RSTART - 1); sub(".*\\["tag"\\]", "", buf); sub(/^\n*/,
"", buf); sub(/\n*$/, "", buf); print buf; buf = ""; next } else buf =
buf $0"\n" } END { if ( length(buf) ) print buf }'\'' \!:2-$'


between XYZ asdf.txt

AND... (lol)... last but not least...

If you want to have case-insensitivity, you'll have to change:

        BEGIN { buf = "" }


        BEGIN { IGNORECASE = 1; buf = "" }

NOTE: FYI, when you need to grab text that spans multiple lines between
two field delimiters, C/C++ is superior to perl/awk which excel at line-
based I/O versus block I/O. However, I conclude that the OP wanted
something that was executable from the command-line (considering that
he/she actually gave a basic construct for a perl one-liner (which might
as well be an awk one-liner considering FreeBSD doesn't come with Perl
in the base anymore and thus not every machine is guaranteed to have
perl -- while every machine has awk).

ANOTHER NOTE: The above is not intended to start a language flame-war...
just an observation. If you have observed an easy _and_ convenient
method that _does_ use perl/awk (in a manner more efficient than the
above), I'm sure the OP/list would love it. Otherwise, I really do view
this operation as being easier in C using functions like strchr,
strrchr, etc.
Devin Teske

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