On 27/12/2010 01:32, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Farmer <rfar...@predatorlabs.net> writes:
> Rob> Then, the removal of MD5 distinfo broke it and it stayed broken for
> Rob> over a week with no indication given that a fix was in the works. On
> Rob> the other hand, Doug Barton has been very responsive to issues with
> Rob> portmaster and fixed this problem less than 48 hours after it
> Rob> appeared. Hence my recommendation to switch.
> I switched to portmaster a few months ago after being firmly in the
> portupgrade camp, and have not regretted it in the slightest.

Same here.  The biggest conceptual gotcha in switching is that
portmaster always reinstalls the ports you tell it to work on, unlike
portupgrade which just upgrades what's out of date unless you tell it

I also have my machines set up with a portmaster.rc like this:

# portmaster global config overrides


# That's All Folks!

Which has two good effects: it stops portmaster asking so many
questions; and it keeps a local archive of packages of everything it
builds and will re-install from that local package repo where an
appropriate package is available.  Oh, and it removes build dependencies
rather than leaving them cluttering up the disk (but it does keep
packages of them, so it's quick to reinstall where needed).

This saves a lot of compiling if you share your local package repo
amongst several machines, or (like I do) you have a lot of churn in
installed package sets.

I tried doing this sort of thing with portupgrade, but I never could get
it to work quite right and I always had to remember to put extra flags
on the command line -- with portmaster it "just works" (tm).



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey     Ramsgate
JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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