[Top posting edited out, with heavy elisions]

On 12/15/10 17:55, bsd wrote:
Le 15 déc. 2010 à 15:23, Victor Lyapunov a écrit :

Recently OpenBSD developer Gregory Perry disclosed information about
possible backdoors in OpenBSD IPSec stack

As far as I am aware, FreeBSD contains considerable amount of code
ported from OpenBSD. The question is: was the FreeBSD's ipsec code
ported from OpenBSD's implementation? If so, what might be the impact
of this?

This is not so clear !


Possibly a little more information:


We should ask competent persons like Colin Percival… the FreeBSD Security 
Officer since 2005.
He would have a point of view much more precise than anyone of us could have.

I have no doubt he's looking at it, but waiting until he knows something before making an announcement. Let him take as much time as he needs.

Auditing the code seems a good idea, panicking about it a bad one.

How many people actually use IPSec anyway? The one time I was forced to use it, it seemed like a hideous, designed by committee nightmare. (Having to set up incoming and outgoing crypto independently, who thought that was a good idea?) I'd always use something like OpenVPN by preference.

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