Chip Camden wrote:
Quoth Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas on Wednesday, 17 November 2010:
Hi,  On November 6,  I submitted a New port: so far the
submissions seems to be on standby.

My question is, if for adding a port takes a 'couple of months' how
much does it take for updating current existing ports ?


It depends on the nature and extent of the update.  I submitted an update
to a port that I maintain, and it was committed in under 21 minutes.
Conversely, I submitted a patch to one of the general port Makefiles, and that
took about 45 days.  Even though it was a very small patch, I presume the
committees were more cautious with a change that could affect a lot of

Well this port was submitted July 20 2010.
Coming up on 4 mounts of waiting for this simple script port to be added to
the ports system.
Is this long delay normal?
Please tell me what other actions I may need to do to get this port added?

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