> Thanks a lot to all who responded to my post.
> I have learned lots here. Too bad I have to find another use for my 4 x
> 2TB
> green WDC drives I have laying around. Anyways - they'll probably end up
> as
> a temp/work drive on a few Windows stations.
> Btw. will these drive work better in a ZFS "pool/tank" (not connected to a
> raid card)? I have noticed on my FreeNAS server that you can group several
> drives together into "one" large ZFS "drive".

I tend to stay away from raid cards.  With ZFS pools all you need is ZFS
and any OS [easily move drives around servers], vs. raid cards have to be
the same if moving/replacing/card fails.

With 'ZFS: do not give it all your HDD'
[ http://www.freebsddiary.org/zfs-with-gpart.php ]
You don't even need to have drives that are exactly the same.

Completely not tied to any hardware....

> So my conclusion is so far: I'm going to go for the 64bit version of
> FreeBSD
> and use ZFS (mainly due to error correction), but perhaps UFS for the OS.
> I
> will use a Raid controller (probably the RocketRaid 2640x1 which I have
> here, but may also consider getting a new 3ware card with battery backup),
> get the largest Raid Edition drives (need to order them) and use a
> separate
> Raid 1 for the OS (or worst case simply a SATA connector on the
> motherboard
> and backup this often) and a Raid 5 for the file storage area.
> Again - thanks a lot for all your help! Very appreciated!
> Best regards,
> Andy
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