In the last episode (Nov 09), Omer Faruk SEN said:
> I have a system like:
> /dev/da0s1a     48G    2.2G     42G     5%    /
> devfs          1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
> /dev/da0s1d     72G    940M     66G     1%    /usr
> opt            547G     14G    534G     2%    /opt
> /opt is a zfs partition
> snmpd.conf :
> disk / 10000
> disk /opt 10000
> Above configuration doesn't work (I only  see / partition)
> snmpwalking UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskTable is as follows:

dskTable is empty on all my servers, but hrStorageTable exists (that's the
table that the snmpdf command uses by default), and lists all my ZFS
filesystems (/ and /u01 are zfs):

$ df
Filesystem        1K-blocks     Used     Avail Capacity  Mounted on
local/root         33521876 20769770  12752105    62%    /
devfs                     1        1         0   100%    /dev
/dev/ufs/boot        253740   134068     99374    57%    /.boot
procfs                    4        4         0   100%    /proc
u01               152763879 44677387 108086492    29%    /u01
/dev/md0             507630    43996    423024     9%    /tmp
devfs                     1        1         0   100%    /var/named/dev

$ snmpdf localhost | grep /
/                         33521867        20771171        12750695   61%
/dev                             1               1               0  100%
/.boot                      253740          134068          119672   52%
/proc                            4               4               0  100%
/u01                     152763879        44677387       108086492   29%
/tmp                        507630           43996          463634    8%
/var/named/dev                   1               1               0  100%
/mnt                             0               0               0    0%

$ pkg_info | grep net-snmp
net-snmp-5.5_4      An extendable SNMP implementation

        Dan Nelson
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