On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Richard Morse <remo...@partners.org> wrote:

> Hi! I've been having problems with FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE crashing. This
> morning, it had hung -- it wasn't responding to any input, but there was no
> error message on screen. I ran MemTest86+ (which worked; MemTest86 doesn't
> for some reason), and it found no errors in two passes (one without ECC, one
> with). I was wondering if there is software that will test the CPUs in a
> similar manner?
> Thanks,
> Ricky
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In my experiences, FreeBSD is very /var dependent and I've had machines lock
up and even refuse to reboot because either a) /var was unwritable for some
reason or b) /var was just plain full. For my, I've made it a habit of
looking at /var/spool/mqueue, for the longest time I couldn't get sSMTP to
work properly w/ my mail server and that location would chew up all my free
space and cause similar problems. Also what you could do is make sure your
fBSD box has a Head and leave it idle (no blanking) on the root-console
(ttyv0) and look and see. This was how I discovered my space issues.

Ultimatly, more information is require, spec your machine for us to start.
Can you include what the machines function/role is?

Did you know...

If you play a Windows 2000 CD backwards, you hear satanic messages,

but what's worse is when you play it forward....
                                      ...it installs Windows 2000

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