On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 7:53 AM, <srividy...@tcs.com> wrote:

> Hi
>     Is BSD compatible with AIX unix system?( AIX version 6).
> We require the make utility of BSD to compile few source programs?

Are you SURE you need BSD Make?
    If so why?

Secondly,.... it is available from
    Very simple install instructions on that page too.

Is there any make utility compatible with AIX?  Could you please give us
> the URL where we can get the same?

Yes LOTS,... bmake/nmake/gnu make/etc. etc. etc.
    All Make commands are not made alike.... you need to use the one that
suits the syntax of the makefile in question.

Judging from the Q that was asked... if the software you want to compile is
OpenSource look into NetBSD's Pkgsrc system....
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