Is the any PCIe SAS controller that is supported by FreeBSD 8.1 that I
can purchase today?  The controller should preferably be low-profile.
RAID is not needed since I have just one disk, but if only RAID
controllers are available, I can live with that.

FreeBSD supports several controllers, but most of them seems old and
impossible to purchase today.

I have tried a new Adaptec 2405 but I have serious issues with data inte-
grity (the beginning of the virtualised disk does not read back the same
data as just written).  It is unknown if this is a problem with the cont-
roller or with the FreeBSD drivers.  Due to technical and administrative
experiences with Adaptec during this process, no other Adaptec controller
will be considered, see <>.

The Supermicro controllers listed by FreeBSD as supported seem to be
rebranded Adaptec controllers, and they are therefore also disqualified.

The LSI controllers FreeBSD list as supported at
<> (with the mpt driver)
are no longer in production, as far as I can tell.  My hope is that some
currently produced LSI controllers actually work with FreeBSD 8.1.

Please help if you know something about that.

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