in message <20100811124006.ga2...@borusse.ewmr.base>,
wrote Alex Huth thusly...
> Is anyone using skype on freebsd 8 and can tell me how to do the
> setup?  Seem to be that there is no port and on the website i find
> no package for freebsd.

Well, version 1.x does not work at all as in I was not able to log
in after generating an account via web.  Version 2.x as it existed
in ports not too long ago was broken due to missing source file (not
as in raw code but as in binaries).

Then I searched for a possible solution that led me to download ...

... in /misc/ports/distfiles; edit net/skype/Makefile to set proper
PORTVERSION; & generate net/skpe/distinfo which led to successful
install & use of skype as in I could log in with the same password &
userid generated earlier & place a call or two.

  - parv


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