Gary Kline <> wrote:
> guys,
> what do i need to rebuild to fix this problem to get X working on my
> server::
> ethic# startx
> xauth:  creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.1054
> /libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required
> by "X" giving up.
> xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unable to connect to X
> server
> xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
> ethic#                     

You can use ldd to find binaries/libraries linked against nonexistent

find /usr/local -type f | xargs ldd

then check the output for "not found" string, find the file origin with
pkg_info -W /path/to/file, finally rebuild the package.
regards, Maciej Suszko.

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