On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 09:37:12PM -0400, J. Altman wrote:
> So: what are people using these days? The WG311T is old. I've had no
> luck looking for a modern card using an Atheros chip. I don't care who
> makes it; whether it's Atheros or not; nor if it is PCI or PCI-X. I
> just want it to work. 

Thanks, Jerry; but I know about that page. I also know that, for
instance, the link
<http://customerproducts.atheros.com/customerproducts/default.asp> is 
non-functional, for me at least. I suspect Atheros took down the host.

Anyway: it was a question more like "What are people finding to work
well?"; sort of a request for recommendations; including using the
NDIS wrapper. I assume that experience with that may vary by card.

I neglected to mention that I'm not on the list, so a Cc: to my
address is welcome. Thanks.
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