On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 8:46 AM, A. Wright <and...@qemg.org> wrote:

> I have recently upgraded my system to 8.0, and in the
> course of doing so, have migrated most filesystems
> onto a new drive.

Did you dd it across?  If so, that's kind of a no-no in some situtation as
the boundries won't be aligned resulting in slow disk.  You should use a
different tool like dump/restore.

> This seems to most commonly happen when both reading
> and writing tasks are active -- I am unsure whether reads writes must be in
> the same partition, or whether
> two partitions on the same drive are sufficient.

If this is one of them "eco" drives, you may wish to investigate things like
firmware updates etc.

You can also try using achi, it has quite a benefits including speed.  Make
sure to read up on it first.

Adam Vande More
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