On Tue, 11 May 2010 13:42:52 +0200
Coert <lgro...@waagmeester.co.za> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I started using FreeBSD about a week ago, and I really like the
> system. Have been using Linux for the last few years.
> One noob question though, according to the Handbook on Packages and 
> Ports, I can use packages for either RELEASE, STABLE, or CURRENT.

Current is bleeding edge, STABLE branches are stable development
branches, but these all relate to the base system. As far as packages
are concerned, they should be be built for the base system version you
are using - you can mostly get away with using  STABLE packages on
releases, but it can cause problems.

If you want to keep to keep packages up-to-date between releases,
update via ports.
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