This question concerns console terminal behaviour. For some time I have been attempting to get MS FoxPro for SCO Unix running under FreeBSD. I have got most aspects running acceptably with the exception of the console behaviour. The symptoms are as follows: FoxPro starts up normally and everything appear as it should be. However when I type commands in the command window the typing appears in white characters on a black background, not the normal colour pair. On pressing [Return] the typed input appears in the normal colour pair at the left side of the screen on the next line down, the cursor returns to the command box in the normal colour. No output from foxPro in response to the command is observed. FoxPro is running however as pressing [F10] then [Return] results in the [System] menu dropping down as normal.
On terminals and in an xterm the behaviour is normal. I'm running a fresh standard install of 4.7 with GENERIC kernel. The hardware is a standard PC running an AMD k6-2 300 cpu. I am using a terminfo entry, reproduced below, kindly supplied by Peter Elsner, which I understand works perfectly for him. My questions are these: 1. How should I research and diagnose this problem? 2. Is this question sufficiently described? 3. Where else might I find information and advice on this problem? Thank you for your attention, regards, Michael Green Terminfo source file: fansi|fansifox|My console, am, eo, xon, bce, cols#80, it#8, lines#25, color#8, pairs#64, [EMAIL PROTECTED], bel=^G, cr=\r, clear=^[[2J^[[H, el=^[[m^[[K, ed=^[[m^[[J, cup=^[[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH, cud1=^[[B, home=^[[H, cub1=\b, cnorm=^[[=13;15C, cuf1=^[[C, cuu1=^[[A, cvvis=^[[=0;15C, civis=\E[=14;12C, smacs=^[[12m, blink=^[[5m, bold=^[[1m, rev=^[[7m, invis=^[[8m, smso=^[[7m, smul=^[[4m, rmacs=^[[10m, sgr0=^[[10;0m, rmso=^[[m, rmul=^[[m, il1=^[[L, kbs=\b, kcbt=^[[Z, kdch1=^_, kcud1=^[[B, kend=^[[F, kf0=^[[0, kf1=^[[M, kf10=^[[V, kf11=^[[W, kf12=^[[X, kf13=^[[Y, kf14=^[[Z, kf15=^[[a, kf16=^[[b, kf17=^[[c, kf18=^[[d, kf19=^[[e, kf2=^[[N, kf20=^[[f, kf21=^[[g, kf22=^[[h, kf23=^[[i, kf24=^[[j, kf25=^[[k, kf26=^[[l, kf27=^[[m, kf28=^[[n, kf29=^[[o, kf3=^[[O, kf30=^[[p, kf31=^[[q, kf32=^[[r, kf33=^[[s, kf34=^[[t, kf35=^[[u, kf36=^[[v, kf37=^[[w, kf38=^[[x, kf39=^[[y, kf4=^[[P, kf40=^[[z, kf41=^[[@, kf42=^[[[, kf43=^[[\,\skf44=^[[], kf45=^[[\f\skf46=^[[_, kf47=^[[`, kf48=^[[{, kf5=^[[Q, kf6=^[[R, kf7=^[[S, kf8=^[[T, kf9=^[[U, khome=^[[H, kich1=^[[L, kcub1=^[[D, knp=^[[G, kpp=^[[I, kcuf1=^[[C, kcuu1=^[[A, ind=^[[S, ri=^[[T, kmous=%?%p2%{156}%=%tc%e%p2%c%;, op=^[[37;40m, setb=^[[4%p1%dm, setf=^[[3%p1%dm, # Added civis (Cursor Invisible) # Peter Elsner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/13/2000. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message