Hi everybody

I try to make a "functional" custom kernel for a i386 machine.
Here the uname -a:
*FreeBSD k 8.0-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2 #0: Tue Jan  5 16:02:27 UTC
2010     r...@i386-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC

I maked, and I installed a new kernel.
But, there are several problems with it.
Under GNOME, any usb hard drive or usb flash drive are no more mounted
automaticaly, causing errors, unlike GENERIC kernel. So I have to use *mount
Further, when I connect up and disconnect any usb drive, or use
*umount *command,
it is no more possible to use any usb storage device/usb mass storage (usb
keyboard and usb mouse still work well).
The kernel doesn't detect any more any usb storage plugged or unplugged
(dmesg|tail doesn't return anything when I plug and unplug usb storage/flash
So, I have to reboot for use again an usb storage/flash device.
But, the problem still here. So I have to reboot again and again when I use
*umount *command, plug, unplug usb storage device ...

here the kernel configuration file:

# GENERIC -- Generic kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/i386
# For more information on this file, please read the config(5) manual page,
# and/or the handbook section on Kernel Configuration Files:
# The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook
# if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the
# FreeBSD World Wide Web server
for the
# latest information.
# An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the
# device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files.
# If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first
# in NOTES.
# $FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC,v 1.519. 2009/11/09 23:48:01
kensmith Exp $

cpu        I686_CPU
# CPU control pseudo-device. Provides access to MSRs, CPUID info and
# microcode update feature.
#    device        cpuctl

ident        FREEBSD4
# Optional:
options     MPTABLE_FORCE_HTT    # Enable HTT CPUs with the MP Table
options     IPI_PREEMPTION
options     PERFMON
# The system memory devices; /dev/mem, /dev/kmem
#device        mem

# The kernel symbol table device; /dev/ksyms
device        ksyms


# To statically compile in device wiring instead of /boot/device.hints
#hints        "GENERIC.hints"        # Default places to look for devices.

# Use the following to compile in values accessible to the kernel
# through getenv() (or kenv(1) in userland). The format of the file
# is 'variable=value', see kenv(1)
# env        "GENERIC.env"

makeoptions    DEBUG=-g        # Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols

options     SCHED_ULE        # ULE scheduler
options     PREEMPTION        # Enable kernel thread preemption
options     INET            # InterNETworking
options     INET6            # IPv6 communications protocols
options     SCTP            # Stream Control Transmission Protocol
options     FFS            # Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options     SOFTUPDATES        # Enable FFS soft updates support
options     UFS_ACL            # Support for access control lists
options     UFS_DIRHASH        # Improve performance on big directories
options     UFS_GJOURNAL        # Enable gjournal-based UFS journaling
options     MD_ROOT            # MD is a potential root device
options     NFSCLIENT        # Network Filesystem Client
options     NFSSERVER        # Network Filesystem Server
options     NFSLOCKD        # Network Lock Manager
options     NFS_ROOT        # NFS usable as /, requires NFSCLIENT
options     PROCFS            # Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS)
options     PSEUDOFS        # Pseudo-filesystem framework
options     GEOM_PART_GPT        # GUID Partition Tables.
options     GEOM_LABEL        # Provides labelization
options     COMPAT_43TTY        # BSD 4.3 TTY compat (sgtty)
options     COMPAT_FREEBSD4        # Compatible with FreeBSD4

# Enable i386 a.out binary support
options     COMPAT_AOUT

options     COMPAT_FREEBSD5        # Compatible with FreeBSD5
options     COMPAT_FREEBSD6        # Compatible with FreeBSD6
options     COMPAT_FREEBSD7        # Compatible with FreeBSD7
options     SCSI_DELAY=5000        # Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI
options     KTRACE            # ktrace(1) support
options     STACK            # stack(9) support
options     SYSVSHM            # SYSV-style shared memory
options     SYSVMSG            # SYSV-style message queues
options     SYSVSEM            # SYSV-style semaphores
options     P1003_1B_SEMAPHORES    # POSIX-style semaphores
options     _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time
options     PRINTF_BUFR_SIZE=128    # Prevent printf output being
options     KBD_INSTALL_CDEV    # install a CDEV entry in /dev
options     HWPMC_HOOKS        # Necessary kernel hooks for hwpmc(4)
options     AUDIT            # Security event auditing
options     MAC            # TrustedBSD MAC Framework
options        FLOWTABLE        # per-cpu routing cache
#options     KDTRACE_HOOKS        # Kernel DTrace hooks

# To make an SMP kernel, the next two lines are needed
options     SMP            # Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel
device        apic            # I/O APIC

##################### BIOS
device        smbios


# CPU frequency control
device        cpufreq

# Bus support.
device        acpi
device        pci

# SMB bus
# System Management Bus support is provided by the 'smbus' device.
# Access to the SMBus device is via the 'smb' device (/dev/smb*),
# which is a child of the 'smbus' device.
# Supported devices:
# smb        standard I/O through /dev/smb*
# Supported SMB interfaces:
# iicsmb    I2C to SMB bridge with any iicbus interface
# bktr        brooktree848 I2C hardware interface
# intpm        Intel PIIX4 (82371AB, 82443MX) Power Management Unit
# alpm        Acer Aladdin-IV/V/Pro2 Power Management Unit
# ichsmb    Intel ICH SMBus controller chips (82801AA, 82801AB, 82801BA)
# viapm        VIA VT82C586B/596B/686A and VT8233 Power Management Unit
# amdpm        AMD 756 Power Management Unit
# amdsmb    AMD 8111 SMBus 2.0 Controller
# nfpm        NVIDIA nForce Power Management Unit
# nfsmb        NVIDIA nForce2/3/4 MCP SMBus 2.0 Controller
device        smbus        # Bus support, required for smb below.
device        ichsmb
device        smb


# ATA and ATAPI devices
device        ata
device        atadisk        # ATA disk drives
options     ATA_STATIC_ID    # Static device numbering
# Added
#device        atapicam

# SCSI peripherals
device        scbus        # SCSI bus (required for SCSI)
device        ch        # SCSI media changers
device        da        # Direct Access (disks)
device        cd        # CD
device        pass        # Passthrough device (direct SCSI access)
device        ses        # SCSI Environmental Services (and SAF-TE)
device        sg        #Linux SCSI passthrough

# atkbdc0 controls both the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse
device        atkbdc        # AT keyboard controller
device        atkbd        # AT keyboard
device        psm        # PS/2 mouse
# Options for atkbd:
options     ATKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP    # specify the built-in keymap
makeoptions    ATKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP=fr.iso.acc

device        kbdmux        # keyboard multiplexer

device        vga        # VGA video card driver

#device        splash        # Splash screen and screen saver support

# syscons is the default console driver, resembling an SCO console
device        sc
options VESA
options     SC_HISTORY_SIZE=1000    # number of history buffer lines
device        dpms
device        agp        # support several AGP chipsets

################# CONSOLE UTF8
options TEKEN_UTF8

device        drm        # DRM core module required by DRM drivers
device        i915drm        # Intel i830 through i915


# Power management support (see NOTES for more options)
#device        apm
# Add suspend/resume support for the i8254.
device        pmtimer

# Serial (COM) ports
device        uart        # Generic UART driver

# Parallel port
device        ppc
device        ppbus        # Parallel port bus (required)
device        lpt        # Printer
device        ppi        # Parallel port interface device
#device        vpo        # Requires scbus and da

# PCI Ethernet NICs that use the common MII bus controller code.
# NOTE: Be sure to keep the 'device miibus' line in order to use these NICs!
device        miibus        # MII bus support
device        bge        # Broadcom BCM570xx Gigabit Ethernet

# Pseudo devices.
device        loop        # Network loopback
device        random        # Entropy device
device        ether        # Ethernet support
device        tun        # Packet tunnel.
device        pty        # BSD-style compatibility pseudo ttys
device        md        # Memory "disks"
device        firmware    # firmware assist module

# The `bpf' device enables the Berkeley Packet Filter.
# Be aware of the administrative consequences of enabling this!
# Note that 'bpf' is required for DHCP.
device        bpf        # Berkeley packet filter

##################### FIREWALL
# The pf packet filter consists of three devices:
#  The `pf' device provides /dev/pf and the firewall code itself.
#  The `pflog' device provides the pflog0 interface which logs packets.
#  The `pfsync' device provides the pfsync0 interface used for
#   synchronization of firewall state tables (over the net).
device        pf
device        pflog
device        pfsync

options     IPFILTER        #ipfilter support
options     IPFILTER_LOG        #ipfilter logging
#options     IPFILTER_LOOKUP        #ipfilter pools
options     IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK    #block all packets by default
#options     IPSTEALTH        #support for stealth forwarding
#options     TCPDEBUG


# USB support
device        uhci        # UHCI PCI->USB interface
device        ehci        # EHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 2.0)
device        usb        # USB Bus (required)
device        ukbd        # Keyboard
device        ums        # Mouse

# Modules
makeoptions    MODULES_OVERRIDE="msdosfs msdosfs_iconv ntfs ntfs_iconv udf
udf_iconv usb/umass cd9660 cd9660_iconv linux linprocfs linsysfs
/ata/atapicd ichwd dc sound/sound sound/driver/ich speaker ahci usb/uhid
usb/ulpt splash /syscons/fire /syscons/blank /syscons/daemon /syscons/dragon
/syscons/fade /syscons/green /syscons/logo /syscons/rain /syscons/snake
/syscons/star /syscons/warp zlib"
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