
I'm working on a project for setting up a freebsd installation server with pxe. 
When I started I see the doc was a bit old-fashioned... so I started looking at 
some blogs... freebsd doc that could help me understanding the whole process 
and so on... finally I have ended looking at source code of some involved parts 
like sysintall, boot stages and so on.... for understanding all properly for 
setting up this service. I have written a documentation that if you see it to 
be ok... (it seems to be working fine) perhaps, would be nice to appear in 
handbook or in some official documentation site... So if you see something that 
should be done in another way... or some point wich you consider it's wrong... 
please make me know and I'll correct it. The url in wich you could fetch the 
pdf file is : http://postfixquotareject.ramattack.net/freebsdpxehowto.pdf

Thank you very much.

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