On 04/04/2010 09:11 AM, Carmel NY wrote:
This is my first attempt at configuring IPFW. I have it up and running;
however, I am not quite sure how to accomplish configuring it to block
an IP range.

Assume an IP range: to

That is an actual range: CHINANET Guangdong province network

I want to block the entire range. I am not sure how to do it in IPFW. I
have read the 'man' pages; however, I am not getting the syntax correct
since I cannot get the range added.

Have you tried something like what's mentioned in this excerpt quoted below?:

Network-based filtering works similarly, and the network
notation there utilizes either bitmasks or netmasks, for instance:

add 2000 allow all from to any
add 2100 deny all from any to

The first rule allows all traffic from the network whose IP range
is It uses a bitmask to indicate this. A
bitmask specifies how many bits from the network address (
should remain the same for matching packets. In this instance, the first
16 bits out of the 32 bit address will remain the same, and as the first
16 bits happen to be the first two octets, 192.168, all addresses whose
source addresses have the first two octets as 192.168 will be matched by
this rule. The second rule accomplishes a similar thing using netmasks.
The netmask indicate how many bits from the indicated network address
should be used for rule matching. In the above example, for rule two, the
netmask is Its first octet is set with high bits; in other
words, the first 8 bits are set high. This indicates to ipfw(8) that only
packets with the first 8 bits of the network address ( should be
matched. As the first 8 bits of the network address equal 10, then all
packets whose destination address have a 10 for the first octet (all
addresses between and will be matched by this
rule, and then dropped, as indicated by the action.

(This excerpt from http://www.freebsd-howto.com/HOWTO/Ipfw-HOWTO)

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