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On 3/24/10 6:38 PM, Marius Strobl wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 02:57:09AM -0500, Mark Linimon wrote:
>> You're the first one to ask in a while.  Since our userbase is small,
>> and developer time is limited, we've never set it up.
> The last time this topic came up IMO there was quite some
> interest in getting this running but the showstopper was that
> cperciva@ said that a requirement for any platform supported
> by freebsd-update(8) would be that the build server is able
> to run buildworld in 1 hour at most (unfortunately I currently
> just can't find that email). My 4x1.5GHz V440 I originally
> intended for this purpose unfortunately still takes 72 minutes
> last time I checked. I suspect a 8x1.2GHz V880 would be able
> to meet this requirement but I simply can't afford the housing
> for such a beast.

I have none that are faster than 900MHz processors, and the
one with the most processors in it is 6x750MHz.

> Ken, did the V880s at your university become available as
> intended some time ago?

At the moment there are two - one being used by portmgr@
for package builds which is the 6x750MHz machine.  The
other I do the monthly snapshots and release builds on,
it's 4x900MHz.  This was its performance on the world
built of 7.3-RELEASE:

>>> World build started on Sat Mar 20 23:34:54 EDT 2010
>>> World build completed on Sun Mar 21 00:50:58 EDT 2010

- -- 
                                                Ken Smith
- - From there to here, from here to      |       kensm...@buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |
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