Programmer In Training <> writes:

> On 03/16/10 10:18, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>> Programmer In Training <> writes:
>>> OK, so I got the disk mounted as it was. Then I used fdisk to reformat
>>> it (probably not the best tool to do so, but it worked) to the default
>>> FreeBSD fs as I have no plans on using it on a Windows box, ever.
>> Just checking: you did do a newfs(8), right?
> That did it! Thanks (: Never had to run that command before when
> formatting a disk (granted all I've ever formatted was a floppy disk on
> a Linux box).


This is covered in the "Adding disks" section of the "Storage" chapter
of the FreeBSD Handbook.

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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