> On Fri, 5 Mar 2010 23:02:36 -0000, "Graham Bentley" <ad...@cpcnw.co.uk>
> wrote:
>> > It looks very bad for browsing web without flash viewer.
>> I think it looks great - no ads !!! Hurray !!!
> I may politely add that exactly this is the reason I removed
> a working "Flash" support from my system. I rather like to
> see empty "plug-in content" boxes instead of being annoyed by
> "Flash" stuff that is mainly used for advertising.
> Have you noticed that "Flash" has taken the place of animated
> GIFs, adding sound and providing nothing that couldn't be
> done using existing standards? I'm sure you have.
> A growing part of today's "web designers" seem to have
> accepted "Flash" as a replacement for valid HTML, and
> even for invalid HTML.
> Have you ever heared of a modern web browser that forces
> you to install, let's say, a plugin for viewing JPG images,
> and this plugin is only available for an arbitrary chosen
> subset of operating systems, and loaded with patents and
> other cripple-stuff? And it forces you to have an up-to-date
> computer, of course, with an expensive OS (free OSes are
> out of scope already). And all the clever "web designers"
> now replace their working sites with JPG - even the text
> is given as a JPG image. And it is assumed that you have
> the plugin installed. And of course, there's a new version
> of the plugin every year. All this just to view a JPG
> image. Could you imagine such a stupid situation? It's
> so idiotic, but it's the reality.
> That's the situation with "Flash". And as I have experienced
> it, I can honestly say that I'm fine without "Flash". I may
> review my opinion, if given some reason to do so.
> But as it has already been mentioned, that's a very individual
> decision, based upon likes and dislikes.
> --
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

Points very well made. In fact shouldn't we be campaigning against
such closed source perversion of our Open Standards Internet, not
complaining that one company doesn't make a media content viewer
for us?

This is exactly why Stallman harks on about freedoms etc it almost
feels pathetic; "Please Mr Adobe, we poor FreeBSD users don't have
a flash viewer, please make one for us too" bleat bleat

The only content I 'miss' is occasional utube vids ;

No probs. Download as .flv and play with mplayer.

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