On 03/05/10 12:00, Pongthep Kulkrisada wrote:
* Polytropon (free...@edvax.de) wrote:
Do you have compat7x installed?
No I don't.
If you already updated to OS 8.0,
you should update your ports tree, too, and
use the current ports.
I always csup the SELECTED port tree but not all.
Just installing isn't enough, there's some configuration work
to be done.
I don't know kinda GUI, so I don't know how to configure it.
Please point me to some tutorial.
By the way, you may be interested in checking how gnash
(a GNU based "Flash" implementation) or swfdec may fit
your needs.
I shall check.
Sure. Maybe the handbook can help here:
See 6.2.3 for detailed information.
Okay, but I don't want to install firefox.
I'm much familiar with opera esp. mouse gesturing.
The handbook says very little about Opera.
* Sabine Baer (bae...@t-online.de) wrote:
I have installed
www/linux-opera-10.10 and
on a 7.2 FreeBSD an can now look at and listen to flash movies on
youtube and other sites.
This seems very likely.
But I have already done exactly what you described (but on FBSD 8.0).
Still not OK. I can not even start linux-opera. For you diagnostic,
When starting from console, it complains ...
% linux-opera
HI !
I tested the process of installing firefox/opera and flash plugin.
Everything run on my system FreeBSD 8, even though I did not stress
browser & plugin.
Here's all the step that I took to make the flash plugin work for
firefox and opera (basically I followed the handbook).
--- Installed /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-f10
--- kldload linux
--- mount linprocfs
--- installed /usr/ports/www/linux-f10-flashplugin10/
(--- installed /usr/ports/www/nspluginwrapper)
(--- ln -s /usr/local/lib/npapi/linux-f10-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so
/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/ )
(--- as normal user I executed nspluginwrapper ... etc)
--- installed ___NATIVE FREEBSD version___ of Opera [/usr/ports/www/opera]
--- installed /usr/ports/www/opera-linuxplugins/.
shm_allow_removed is disable, set OPERA_NUM_XSHM to 0 to disable shared memory.
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
/usr/local/share/linux-opera/bin/opera: error while loading shared libraries:
libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
* Robert Bonomi (bon...@mail.r-bonomi.com) wrote:
needless to say, you have to have linux emulation build int (or kdloaded)
in your kernel.
*and* the linux emulation package ( name is {mumble}-fc10, for 'Fedora Core 10'
*then* you can install the other packages.
I have selected linux emulation since I installed it from CD.
And it is still enabled in /etc/rc.conf.
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