Adam Vande More wrote:
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 8:05 AM, John <> wrote:

People, people - be careful that we are not creating a formula to
break into FreeBSD servers around the world...

The only acceptable solution is for someone in Eric's organization
to secure physical access to the server.  It may be in a co-lo
situation, but if that's true, they must have a contract open and,
if nothing else, they terminate the contract and get the machine
back, though more likely, the contract allows them supervised
access.  Machines are not perfect - even without losing the root
password, they break and need maintenance - this is a MAINTENANCE
event and should be treated as such, just like a hard drive failure
or a NIC failure.

Creating a scheme for someone to break into FreeBSD systems remotely
or to publicize schemes people have created to remotely manage their
systems in ways that could be used to compromise them is foolishness!

Regardless of the purity of his intention, Eric is asking us to
tell him how to break into our homes or steal our cars. ;)

Security through obscurity is no security, hence it is a good exercise.

Quite. In any case, the OP started out by telling us how he had plugged a monitor into the server, so we're several degrees removed from reality by this point.


--Jon Radel

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