I was trying to measure the file transfer
rates between my home and my office boxes.
Both are 9.0-current.

At home I've wireless, TL-WN851N, using ath(4) driver.

I used sftp(1), which I launch from the home box.

I made files sized 10MB, 100MB and 1GB via

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/mexas/1gb bs=1m count=10
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/mexas/1gb bs=1m count=100
dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/mexas/1gb bs=1m count=1024


What I discovered is put(mput) is much slower than get(mget).

Here is a sample of timings:

10MB file

sftp> put 1gb
Uploading 1gb to /usr/home/mexas/1gb
1gb                                     100%   10MB  59.2KB/s   02:53    
sftp> mget 1gb
Fetching /usr/home/mexas/1gb to 1gb
/usr/home/mexas/1gb                     100%   10MB 330.3KB/s   00:31    

100MB file

sftp> mput 1gb
Uploading 1gb to /usr/home/mexas/1gb
1gb                                     100%  100MB  58.6KB/s   29:07    
sftp> mget 1gb
Fetching /usr/home/mexas/1gb to 1gb
/usr/home/mexas/1gb                     100%  100MB   1.0MB/s   01:41    
sftp> mget 1gb
Fetching /usr/home/mexas/1gb to 1gb
/usr/home/mexas/1gb                     100%  100MB 930.9KB/s   01:50    

1GB file

sftp> mget 1gb
Fetching /usr/home/mexas/1gb to 1gb
/usr/home/mexas/1gb                     100% 1024MB 796.8KB/s   21:56    
sftp> mput 1gb
Uploading 1gb to /usr/home/mexas/1gb
1gb                                     7%   79MB  56.3KB/s 4:46:28 ETA

(I interrupted the last transfer, just too long to wait).

So putting (sending) a file is about 5-17 times faster
than getting (receiving) it.

What is the reason behind this?  

many thanks

Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
Mech Eng Dept
Bristol University
University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
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