
I am trying to create a custom ISO image of FreeBSD 6.4. The only
difference between the release ISO and this custom image is a modified
driver (amdsmb.ko). I did not create the new driver. I believe it was
backported from a later release.

I understand that this is not a backport of the driver  but a hack but
the ISO size surprises me.

The steps I had followed (listed below) resulted in an ISO image of
around 1 GB while the original ISO image is around 600 MB. The new
image work boots fine but I am not sure why it is huge


// mount the release ISO
# mdconfig -a -t vnode -f 6.4-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso -u 0
# mount_cd9660 /dev/acd0 /mnt

# pwd

# mkdir custom
# cd custom

// copy iso files to custom
# rsync  -a /mnt .

# scp sc...@remote:/boot/kernel/amdsmb.ko boot/kernel/.

// wrap up in a ISO
# cd ..
#mkisofs -R -b boot/cdboot -no-emul-boot -o custom.iso custom

The ISO file is created successfully but is huge. I mounted it in
VirtualBox and boots just fine. I was able to install the OS (although
I have not checked the functionality of amdsmb changes yet)

I looked up information on creating custom ISO images but they had all
involved rebuilding the kernel while I am not sure if I need to do the
same Any leads is appreciated.

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