Peter Ulrich Kruppa wrote:

BTW. I have read somewhere, there might be problems with hostnames like, since they would allow to relay all mails from .net ?!?

I'm trying to remember where this appears.  I remember vaguely what
you're referring to, and yes, it's a theoretical possibility if you
combine a name like that with domain name based access controls.  Aha!
Found it. It's this item in the 'FEATURE' section of /usr/share/sendmail/cf/README

               This option allows any host in your domain as defined by
               class {m} to use your server for relaying.  Notice: make
               sure that your domain is not just a top level domain,
               e.g., com.  This can happen if you give your host a name
               like instead of

So, unless you have an entry saying FEATURE(`relay_entire_domain')
somewhere in your sendmail configuration, this will not hurt you.


Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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