Many thanks again for all suggestions! :-)
For my desktop, with around 450 ports installed, I have the following lay-out;
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad4s1a 484M 93M 353M 21% /
/dev/ad4s1g.eli 373G 168G 175G 49% /home
/dev/ad4s1e 48G 198K 45G 0% /tmp
/dev/ad4s1f 19G 5.8G 12G 32% /usr
/dev/ad4s1d 1.9G 226M 1.6G 12% /var
lot's of different pieces of advice rolling in now!
I guess what I will do as I have a small hard disk for what I want to do
which is to get rid of my music and few movies which are stored on my
laptop currently, is create separate /, /tmp, /usr and /var.
I propose which is similar to what Frank has suggested:
/ ~500M
/tmp ~2GB
/var ~2GB
/usr ~2GB
/home the rest
but then Jerry has already suggested:
partition mount point Size
a / 512 MegaBytes (1/2 GByte)
b swap 2048 MBytes (2 GBytes)
d /tmp 512 MBytes
e /usr 4096 MBytes
f /var 4096 MBytes
g /home 29 GB (eg all of the rest of the disk)
This could be ok I reckon as the 4GB partitions should be there as
everyone has suggested for me to use ports and build from source!
The reason why I preferred to use package manager was that on say
Solaris it's pretty a much a pain having to install all the dependencies
from Sun Freeware site.
I mean what I will be installing if completely base install with just OS
and nothing more like I mentioned before is Samba, NFS server/client,
NTP, Nano as the quote below from Jerry using vi or vim is not my
preferred text editor as I find them extremely difficult and a real pain
to use.
In addition I do not think this machine has a DVD drive either although
I haven't fired up the Win build yet to transfer files but from what the
drive says on the front of 52x looks like it's CD only :-(
This means that I will need to download the minimal install CD and
install the packages from there!
For this reason the discussed packages above will need to be downloaded
and installed my best guess is from source. Meaning I will need extra
space in one of the filesystems but am unsure where the source gets
stored?? My best guess would be /usr?
Have setup the machine now and am almost at the point of attempted an
install! :-)
Guys the support has been really awsome and I highly appreciate
everyones efforts to assist me!
So, use 'vi' or install 'vim' from ports and us it.
Since 'vi' is always available, it becomes important to learn it
and then it is second nature to use it. (actually, vi is not
available in single user mode if you do not have /usr mounted, but
I usually just put a copy in /bin and then it is always available)
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