I'm trying to batch-rip audio files from a bunch of video files.

I have a directory full of *.vob files:

 ls *.vob
01.vob  03.vob  05.vob  07.vob  09.vob  11.vob  13.vob
02.vob  04.vob  06.vob  08.vob  10.vob  12.vob

So I wrote a little command line script to rip wave files from all the vob's:

  ls *.vob |
> while read f
> do
> mplayer -ao pcm:file=`basename $f .vob`.wav $f
> done

the first 01.wav file is created successfully; but then the whole sh'bang exits 
without ripping the rest of the vob's:

Exiting... (End of file)


 "What did you do?" the man holding the flashlight asked.

 "I put down a spider," he said, wondering why the man didn't see; in the beam 
of yellow light the spider bloated up larger than life. "So it could get away."


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