>Excuse me, you're mixing up terminology here. Let me explain:
>A SLICE is what "Windows" calls a "DOS primary partition", often just named a 

Yes, I know what a BSD slice is compared to a BSD partition. Considering that 
fdisk uses "partition" interchangeably in cases with "slice", I often do as 
well. I guess it can be confusing if one isn't careful with context.

>I'm not sure if I understood you correctly. You won't need to create three 
>slices, just one slice, containin three partitions.

We already have a configuration in place on our smaller 1U boxes which are 
divided into three slices, one for the OS (with 2 partitions), one for swap, 
and the third slice for data. The third slice is divided into two partitions, 
one UFS and one raw. The first two slices are gmirrored, the third slice is not.

For consistency we want to use the same slice configuration for these large 
drives. We don't *have* to do it this way but it simplifies things for our 
legacy code. We're not using any gmirroring on these raid boxes of course, and 
we only need one partition on the third slice (no raw partition) but otherwise 
the layout will largely be the same.

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