Jay Hall wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is the first time I have tried to upgrade FreeBSD's source code, and I have done something wrong, but I am not sure what. I am upgrading from 6.2 to 8.0.

First, I upgraded the source code, using csup /root/supfile.

Here are the contents of /root/supfile.

# IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup mirror sites
# listed at http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors.html.
*default host=cvsup9.us.FreeBSD.org
*default base=/var/db
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=.

This is going to get you 9-CURRENT, which is not what you want.  Change it to

*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_8_0

to get 8.0-RELEASE-p1.  Or you could try tag=RELENG_8 to get 8.0-STABLE if 
happy living with a development branch.

Handy hint: you can csup your /usr/src and /usr/ports by:
   # cd /usr/src
   # make update

if you put the following into /etc/make.conf:

SUP_UPDATE=     yes
SUP=            /usr/bin/csup
SUPFLAGS=       -L2
SUPHOST=        cvsupN.XX.freebsd.org
SUPFILE=        /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile
PORTSSUPFILE=   /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile

Obviously change cvsupN.XX.freebsd.org to a server local to where you are.

To change versions, before csup'ing you'ld need to first edit the tag in 
/usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile -- this file will be updated
to match the installed OS version when you do the whole {build,install}world
procedure, so don't worry too much about mucking up standard system files by
editing it.

Note that you *do* want tag=. for ports or docs supfiles.

Now, directly updating from 6.2 to 8.0 may not work.  You may find it necessary
to do the update in stages:  6.2 -> 7.0 -> 8.0.  Since about 5.4-RELEASE it has
generally been the case that you can update pretty freely within a major version
level (eg. 6.2 -> 6.4) and that you can update to the next highest major version
level (eg 7.2 -> 8.0) by simply csup'ing and doing a normal buildworld cycle. It should be possible to do as you want and jump several major versions at once in the same way, but this is not tested anything like as much and may not work.


Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                 Flat 3
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                                                 Kent, CT11 9PW

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