cronfy wrote:
I've noticed a very weird behavior of 2 Apache processes that shold read
the same file to process a request (they configured to read it on every
request). One spends about 6ms to read the file, and second spends about
114ms (I used ktrace to find this out). Every time, on every request,
the problem is reproducible. Apaches are the same, the only difference
between them that they are working from different users to serve
different sites. Same binary, same config.
First Apache used to work in the same way some time ago - it spent
~120ms to read the file. But once it changed and now it is working fast.
Restarts of Apache do not look to affect on anything.
The file that Apache should read is 315k long. Apache reads it by small
blocks of 4096 bytes each. May be FreeBSD has some memory about how
process is working with files and after some time enables some
optimization or caching?.... I just do not have any clue... :(
Can anyone explain this please?
In addition to the other reply you got, there could also be a problem of
different link speeds. If one user is connected by a slower link any you
are doing blocking send()-after-read() operation, this will account for
requests being processed at different speeds.
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