quiet interesting that serial port thingy! do you know the name of it
btw? I will be interested to install on of them... and start saving
some money going to my office :D when i can not use even ssh...

2009/10/18 John Almberg <jalmb...@identry.com>:
>>> I've been reading the upgrade chapter in "Absolute FreeBSD", and it seems
>>> like the best option is to download the source files for 7.2 and upgrade
>>> from sources.
>> I've done it several times via ssh between major and minor versions
>> without
>> any problems. You should read /usr/src/UPDATING for any additional
>> information.
> Updating the source tree was no problem. So far so good. I'm running 'make
> buildworld' right now.
> Luckily I have a remote serial port thingy, so I should be able to login to
> the box, even if ssh doesn't come up after reboot.
> Pretty interesting, though I'd be a lot more nervous if this box had live
> applications running... Which is why it was still on 6.2!
> Hopefully after this I'll feel more comfortable doing major upgrades,
> instead of just running freebsd-update.
> -- John
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