Nerius Landys wrote:
  > dd if=/dev/ad4 of=MBR_backup bs=512 count=1

to back up the MBR, so I can recontruct the boot program and partition
table.  But they don't mention that in the Handbook.

While that will back up the Master Boot Record, it's not sufficient for the general case of MS-DOS style partitions. It will only include the primary and extended partitions.

The logical partitions, which exist inside an extended partition, are a linked list whose elements are distributed across your disk somewhere. If you have any extended partitions, you need to back them up too. They aren't part of the 512-byte MBR so just using dd to grab the first 512 bytes won't do.

The Linux sfdisk program can create a machine readible text file that includes any logical partitions. Does FreeBSD also have sfdisk? Perhaps it's in ports. I don't have my FreeBSD box handy right now so I can't just look.

... and as has been pointed out, you'll also want your BSD disklabel which is a whole different beast.

Michael David Crawford - We Don't Assume You Are Stupid.

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