On Fri, 7 Oct 2011 04:07 -0700, jekillen@ wrote:
I have a hard drive that contains the /var file system in a system that
will not boot.
In single user mode I can mount /var.
I want to take this disk and put it in another FreeBSD system and
try to copy the files I need off of it to a safe place.
The system I will plug it into will also have a separate disk with
Is there going to be a conflict with the labels and how would I
best go about this?
system is FreeBSD v6.2
Thank you in advance for guidance, suggestions.
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If you can mount this disk in single user mode your best bet to be safe is
just glabel it to something else that your second system is not before you
take the disk out of the machine.
Even though I don't think it should/would be a problem I can not speak of a
authoritative nature on this subject because I have not had to test such
Best regards.
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