
I'm struggling to get Intel 5300 wireless mini pci-e card working on FreeBSD 8.0-RC1 (amd64, both GENERIC and my custom kernel). I get no error messages. Kernel module builds and loads fine but then ndis interface never shows up.

Here is exactly what I'm doing:
Drivers for XP64 downloaded from intel website. I've tried latest and old drivers. Unzipped on FreeBSD.
ndisgen NETw5x64.inf NETw5x64.sys
 This .INF file appears to be ASCII. [return]
 This .SYS file appears to be in Windows(r) PE format. [return]
 Driver file conversion - conversion was successful. [enter]
 Firmware file conversion [enter]
 Kernel module generation
  Generating Makefile... done.
  Building kernel module... done.
  Cleaning up... done.

So NETw5x64_sys.ko has been successfully generated. Note that when it asks me for additional firmware files I don't give it any - is that ok?

Then I'm moving this module to /boot/modules and I'm loading it:
 kldload -v NETw5x64_sys.ko
 Loaded NETw5x64_sys.ko, id=8

And that's pretty much it, module get loaded together with nids.ko and if_nids.ko but nothing really happens. No additional network interfaces, nothing in dmesg output. Tried with debug.ndis=1 and get no additional informations.

Any ideas, please? Anybody got this card to work on FreeBSD?

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