but they HAVE. You probably observed already that lots of people buy
things to HAVE them. You are right.
That is an incredibly stupid statement.
This is an incredibly stupid behaviour, but unfortunately true.
While a user may buy a product
that contains additional software that they do not require, they are
never-the-less buying a product that they want. You statement, "buy
things to HAVE them" makes no sense. Of course they buy something
Your explanations are theoretical.
And you are right this people behaviour doesn't indeed make sense. But
it's a normal.
Not just printers, i ask people why they got this new cellphone.
"Because it has <this>,<this>,java, etc. etc."
Do you use that functions?
Not all people, but most. The problem is that there are less and less
people that do not want a crap.
Basic law of marketing is to give the public what they want.
Exactly right. I don't say that it's wrong, but about how people act.
It's just observation of things that can be classified as law of nature.
nothing else.
That's intended by the marked (because users intend so). Buying
new printers all day long is normal, so you always have a "top
of the line" printer. :-)
Actually, when it costs me $49. to re-ink a cheap printer and only $39.
to buy a new one, is is almost easier to simply swap the old one out,
that's why i don't buy ink printer. Because it's so costly to reink.
Compared to my laser that prints ca 7000 pages for 25$ cartridge.
Original costs almost 100$ but polish-produced compatible one is as good
if not better.
then give it away as a donation and take the tax credit. I have actually
done that by the way.
Everything that allows you not to pay tax is a good thing.
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