Michael Jr. wrote:

I was just wondering what are the major differences between freebsd and pc-bsd and is it harder or just as easy to setup freebsd as a desktop compared to pc-bsd? Will freebsd work with sager laptops, and will freebsd recognize 4 gigs of ddr3 memory and if it does not regularly, how can I get freebsd to recognize 4 gigs of ddr3 memory? Will freebsd be able to recognize the latest technologies, like intel core 2 duo and the new Nvidia GTX260m, and hard drives at any speed like 7200 rpm? I don't know any kind of code so is there any books or any kind of resources that you recommend I look at? Sorry I have so many questions but I just ordered a new sager laptop and I do not really want to have to use windows vista if I don't have to, and I think it would be fun to learn how to use freebsd.

Thank you,
Michael Haid
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There's tons of documentation at FreeBSD's site, namely http://www.freebsd.org/docs.html.

If your willing to buy books concerning FreeBSD I'd suggest Absolute FreeBSD 2nd edition (if you have use Unix like systems) or FreeBSD Unleashed 6 (though it was published at the of FreeBSD 6 it is still very applicable and provides introduction to Unix like systems).

Regarding your hardware questions FreeBSD support more that 4GB in both i386 and amd64 (for i386 PAE kernel needs to be used to access >3GB). Nvidia drivers exist for i386. FreeBSD supports multi cores and multi cpus. And regarding hard drives, my 3 1TB 7200 RPM SATA drives aren't complaining ;)

Hardware support for FreeBSD 7.1 can be found at http://www.freebsd.org/releases/7.1R/hardware.html

Also, FreeBSD has a friendly forum at http://forums.freebsd.org/index.php.

Ricardo Jesus.

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