Polytropon wrote:
>>From your diagnostics, the sound card seems to be detected okay,
> as far as I see it.
> Things worth checking are the mixer settings, such as:
>       % mixer pcm 100
>       % mixer vol 100
Mixer vol      is currently set to  100:100
Mixer pcm      is currently set to  100:100
Mixer line     is currently set to  100:100
> which will turn PCM and master volume to 100:100. For checking,
> it's usually the most comfortable way to play some media file,
> instead of a "plain file" into /dev/dsp.
I tried mplayer
> The play command from the port / package sox or mpg123 / madplay
> for mp3 files work well, as does mplayer.
$ls -lao /dev/dsp0.0
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  -   0,  94 Apr 17 13:48 /dev/dsp0.0
ls -lao /dev/dsp0.0
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  -   0,  94 Apr 17 13:48 /dev/dsp0.0

> Have a look at where /dev/dsp points to, it should be the dsp0
> device.
> I don't have furtther experiences with the hda stuff, so these
> would be my basic ideas.


Eitan Adler
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