On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 23:19:35 +0530
Manish Jain <invalid.poin...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I am about to buy a new printer and my retailer strongly recommends
>HP's D1560 printer (USB). I am running ghostscript8-8.62_5 under
>FreeBSD 7.1 and I can't see this model listed anywhere in apsfilter.
>So I checked up the hplip site. The site says that the D1560 is indeed
>supported, but it also says that the minimum version of hplip required
>for this is 2.8.5, while the latest port available is 2.8.2.
>Please check out 
>The site actually lists hplip version 2.8.5 as the minimum requirement 
>for the entire D15XX series, and a whole lot of other deskjet printers.
>Should I wait for a port update or do you think version 2.8.2 is
>capable of handling the printer ?

I think I would give some credence to the stated requirements on the
site. In any case, did you contact the port maintainer about updating
the port. If if doesn't get done before the port freeze, you will
probably be screwed.


Political history is far too criminal a subject to be a fit thing to
teach children.

        W. H. Auden

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